The purpose of Angel Card Readings is to provide divine guidance from Heaven (God, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, etc.). We all have questions we need help getting answered, challenges that require Angelic support, deeper understanding of what's going on in our lives, healing of past and present pain, and guidance on our spiritual journey, just to name a few. Angel Card Readings help with all of these things and more. The Angels are always willing to help us and are very eager to do so, as long as we ask for their help. God has given us free will to accept or decline Heaven's help, so it's up to all of us to simply ask God and the Angels for help and then open our body, mind, and soul to receiving that help. Please keep in mind at the same time, you need to continue to help yourself as best you can. But, once you ask for Heaven's help, then wonderful and often times miraculous things will start happening in your life. You will be amazed!!!
I work mostly with God, the Archangels, and my Guardian Angels when doing Angel Card Readings. I begin each reading with a short meditation and prayer to clearly set my intentions for the reading and to ground and protect myself and the person receiving the reading to ensure that any and all negative energies are removed and only messages from God's love and pure light are allowed through the bubble of protection. This is a regular practice that most Angel Card Readers do, so no need to be concerned. Archangel Michael (whose picture is on my "Home" page) is the protector of all good. So, he is the one I call upon the most.
There are many different kinds of Angel Cards, including Oracle cards and now Angel Tarot cards. Both are an ancient way to connect with Angels and those in Heaven. There are usually about 44 cards in each Oracle deck and some decks are very generic (will answer most any type of question) while others are very specific to the type of question (romance, career, life purpose, healing, etc.). Angel Tarot cards usually have 78 cards and can answer any type of question. The first 22 cards are called the Major Arcana and are numbered zero through twenty one. These represent major events in our lives such as marriage, pregnancy, career changes, overcoming personal challenges, etc. These cards can also represent the different phases of our lives from childhood to old age. The rest of the cards are called the Minor Arcana and consist of four suits: 1) Fire – represents our ideas, inspirations, creativity, and putting our dreams into motion. These are “action” cards. 2) Water – represents our emotions, love, nurturing children, romance, relationships, intuition, and psychic abilities. 3) Air – represents our intellect, making decisions, analyzing situations, thinking, and voicing our thoughts. This suit also represents our fear, worries, and struggles that live in our mind (ego). 4) Earth – represents the material world, making a living, caring for our bodies, money, work, home, security, education, career, health, society, and the environment. Each suit has 14 cards of which the first 10 are numbered Ace (One) thru Ten. Then, each suit has four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) that represent either a situation or a person. These four suits (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) that comprise the Minor Arcana represent things that occur in our every day lives (unlike the Major Arcana that represent major, life changing events).
Angel Tarot cards (and traditional tarot cards) are thought by many practitioners to be the most specific and accurate. I personally do not use traditional tarot cards, but I do use Angel Tarot cards that are very gentle with no scary images or words and most importantly are Angel approved! I use all of the card decks shown on this page plus several others. I ask the Angels to guide me to the appropriate deck or decks as I sometimes use multiple decks for clarity, additional guidance, or just confirmation. The number of cards used depends on the spread and the question, but I usually use four to twelve cards for each reading. Please refer to the "Shop" page above for more information, and please review the "Preparing for the Reading" page in the drop-down box below this page. Thank you!
I work mostly with God, the Archangels, and my Guardian Angels when doing Angel Card Readings. I begin each reading with a short meditation and prayer to clearly set my intentions for the reading and to ground and protect myself and the person receiving the reading to ensure that any and all negative energies are removed and only messages from God's love and pure light are allowed through the bubble of protection. This is a regular practice that most Angel Card Readers do, so no need to be concerned. Archangel Michael (whose picture is on my "Home" page) is the protector of all good. So, he is the one I call upon the most.
There are many different kinds of Angel Cards, including Oracle cards and now Angel Tarot cards. Both are an ancient way to connect with Angels and those in Heaven. There are usually about 44 cards in each Oracle deck and some decks are very generic (will answer most any type of question) while others are very specific to the type of question (romance, career, life purpose, healing, etc.). Angel Tarot cards usually have 78 cards and can answer any type of question. The first 22 cards are called the Major Arcana and are numbered zero through twenty one. These represent major events in our lives such as marriage, pregnancy, career changes, overcoming personal challenges, etc. These cards can also represent the different phases of our lives from childhood to old age. The rest of the cards are called the Minor Arcana and consist of four suits: 1) Fire – represents our ideas, inspirations, creativity, and putting our dreams into motion. These are “action” cards. 2) Water – represents our emotions, love, nurturing children, romance, relationships, intuition, and psychic abilities. 3) Air – represents our intellect, making decisions, analyzing situations, thinking, and voicing our thoughts. This suit also represents our fear, worries, and struggles that live in our mind (ego). 4) Earth – represents the material world, making a living, caring for our bodies, money, work, home, security, education, career, health, society, and the environment. Each suit has 14 cards of which the first 10 are numbered Ace (One) thru Ten. Then, each suit has four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) that represent either a situation or a person. These four suits (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) that comprise the Minor Arcana represent things that occur in our every day lives (unlike the Major Arcana that represent major, life changing events).
Angel Tarot cards (and traditional tarot cards) are thought by many practitioners to be the most specific and accurate. I personally do not use traditional tarot cards, but I do use Angel Tarot cards that are very gentle with no scary images or words and most importantly are Angel approved! I use all of the card decks shown on this page plus several others. I ask the Angels to guide me to the appropriate deck or decks as I sometimes use multiple decks for clarity, additional guidance, or just confirmation. The number of cards used depends on the spread and the question, but I usually use four to twelve cards for each reading. Please refer to the "Shop" page above for more information, and please review the "Preparing for the Reading" page in the drop-down box below this page. Thank you!